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LGBTQ Pilot Cohort 

In collaboration with MENTOR National, MENTOR Minnesota provided a six-week cohort training for seven Minnesota mentoring programs in February 2021. The sessions were led by Dr. Christian Rummel from Mentorist and Nia Clark from the Human Rights Campaign - All Children All Families Project. The training centered on LGBTQ+ best practice and how programs can be most inclusive. In addition to cohort learning sessions, the program also included 1:1 coaching on how to implement positive program changes.  

Pride Flag

"Just sharing how thankful Kids 'n Kinship is to have joined in the work on this pilot program. We knew the reflection, advocacy, and resources would serve all we work with to be a better and more rounded and inviting program. I am, personally as a coordinator, very thankful to have received so many new wonderful links, websites and resources.  As well as done reflection on case scenarios."

- Jerod Peterson, Kids 'n Kinship

Opportunity Reboot

Since 2015, MENTOR Minnesota has been the training partners for Opportunity Reboot (OR), a collaborative project for Youthprise, funded by the Social Innovation Fund (SIF) and supported by DEED, Search Institute, and six subgrantee programs across the state. The goals of Opportunity Reboot are to providepathways for opportunity youth to sustain living wage employment, achieve stable housing, establish a web of social capital, and contribute to their communities. To accomplish these goals, OR took a four pronged approach: Positive mentoring relationships, responsive and individualized goals supports, coordinated career pathway supports, and impactful cross-sector relationships


Preliminary data is promising:  there is strong evidence that the OR model provided key developmental and employment outcomes for participants, including evidence that mentoring relationships are a gateway to social support, including career opportunities and education.



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